The wellbeing and pastoral structure at Senior School is designed to support this growing independence while providing mentoring and guidance through Triple R, the house system and counselling and support when required.

Triple R

The College wide Triple R program provides a framework for student wellbeing. Senior School students have regular sessions about topics such as goal setting, mindfulness, motivation, decision making, managing stress, study habits and general wellbeing. Each year a range of guests visit the school to speak to students and parents about leadership, inspirational careers and diversity, as well cybersaftey, drugs and alcohol education, driver education, financial literacy, sexuality education, peer pressure and other relevant issues.  

Senior School students are divided into eight Houses of about 80 day and boarding students from Years 9 to 12. Within each House students are divided into groups and allocated a Tutor. House Tutors mentor and guide their students in their academic, co-curricular and social endeavours and are an important contact for families.  

Students begin the day in their House Room with Heads of House and meet with their House Tutor each day after lunch, these regular catch ups allow strong relationships to be built with peers and staff within the House. The Houses provide a framework for pastoral care within the school and enables efficient administration of day-to-day matters, as well as providing a platform for Inter-House competitions. The cross-age nature of the groups gives the older students a chance to buddy and mentor their younger counterparts. Every student can make a positive contribution to their House; whether it is on the sporting field, singing in House Music or simply getting to know, support and encourage each other in the House and during House competitions. Many Community Service and fundraising activities for Community Service are also conducted within the Houses. Houses offer a variety of opportunities to lead and contribute and offer a real sense of belonging and care for each student.