The Vision for Learning is organised around seven key dimensions of learning. These dimensions have been in place for a number of years but have had a contemporary refresh. Importantly, the new Vision for Learning includes a Learner Profile that captures our aspirations for our students as learners. Learning is, after all, not about content; it is about the development of capabilities which enable our students to leave our College at the end of their journey with confidence, knowing they can embrace their future as life-long learners.

The opening of the Vision says: The Geelong College is a community of learners who, with courage, strive to develop a love of and capacity for life-long learning. We embrace a diversity of learners and are aspirational in our goals for ourselves and others. All of us in this community - teachers, parents and students alike - long to demonstrate the value we place on learning: it facilitates a satisfying life, filled with meaning, purpose and accomplishment, in whatever field we choose to work.

Our Vision for Learning is influenced by a number of approaches. We see every learner as unique and having enormous capacity. Developed collaboratively by our teaching staff, our programs from Early Learning through to Year 12 embrace aspects of the Teaching for Understanding framework of Wiggins and McTighe, Reggio Emilia, experiential and constructivist learning philosophies and many national and international curricula frameworks including the Australian and Victorian Curricula and the International Baccalaureate.

A living and dynamic document, this Vision for Learning describes the knowledge, behaviours and capabilities students develop in order to engage with a rapidly evolving future. It provides a broad framework for learning experiences that invite students to thrive in and drive the global economies of today and tomorrow. Increasingly, for students to be active contributors to their world, they must learn not just subject knowledge, or even so-called “soft skills”, but also the most fundamental aspect of a modern education: learning how to learn.

This Vision for Learning includes seven key learning dimensions: Identity, Thinking, Communicating, Creativity, Contributing, Creating and Enterprising. They are the capabilities that our young people need for growing, working and participating in their communities in a changing, global society.

Please take time to enjoy reading our Vision for Learning in its entirety. We look forward to nurturing our students of all ages through and under this Vision.

Download our Vision for Learning

Vision for Learning pic 2021

Download our Learner Profile

Learner Profile pic

Download our Learner Principles

2021 Learning Principles Poster