Students are encouraged to try new activities and to explore their passions through this program that is designed to support learning and wellbeing through community building, physical fitness, enjoyment and friendship.

Music 2021 SQ


The College music program is extensive and creative and all students are offered the opportunity to learn and develop through music.

Drama and Dance

Drama and dance extend thinking, movement, emotional understanding and creativity, as well as developing confidence.

Drama and Dance 2021 SQ
Debating 2020 square

Debating and Public Speaking

From Year 7 students have the opportunity to speak publicly in many formal and informal settings, allowing them to become comfortable and effective public speakers.


The Geelong College acknowledges the importance of physical activity, and its contribution to good health and overall wellbeing. In addition to an extensive classroom Physical Education program, our students learn to play a wide variety of competitive and non-competitive sports and from Year 7 participate each weekend in team sport representing the school.

Sport 2021 SQ