To read more about this year's Annual Giving projects or to make a donation, please  Click here >


In what was a wonderful year for the College, last year more than 750 generous and committed donors contributed to our Annual Giving and Belerren campaigns, giving over $1,129,000.

We were thrilled with the response and these funds went a long way to support our students and programs. Belerren, our new Sports and Wellbeing Centre will open it's doors in July and will provide state-of-the-art training and game day facilities, classrooms, and will be the beating heart of TGC Sport. once again a number of worthy students were assisted to begin their learning journey at the College through our Pegasus, Boarding and Bill Williams Scholarship programs. Thank you to each and every donor, your gifts make a real difference and are greatly appreciated.

Annual Giving 2024

In 2024 our focus for the Annual Giving Campaign is, once again, our equity scholarship program, Pegasus Scholarships and Boarding Scholarships.

The Geelong College has a rich history of supporting thousands of students through our Scholarship Fund. Scholarships enrich and diversify the student community providing benefits for all students. The Scholarship Fund continues to provide opportunities for our students who, ordinarily, would not be able to attend the College, while providing a varied social and cultural community for all of our students to live and learn in.

Hugh Knuckey

Pegasus Scholarships

The Pegasus Scholarships are equity scholarships used to support worthy students who would otherwise be unable to attend the College.

As Hugh, one of our scholarship recipients says...

"Thanks to the generosity of donors, I, and others like me, have been given the outstanding opportunity to attend an amazing school and have unique experiences along with a quality education. The impacts of these donations are everlasting and have the ability to change a student’s life. I encourage you to consider a donation to the Scholarship Fund as it will change someone’s life and give more students like me an opportunity to grow."

*donations are tax deductible

Boarding Scholarships

Boarding is integral to the fabric of the College and brings diveristy to our learning community. Boarding Scholarships help rural and regional families to access a College education for their children. 

As Denise, one of our boarding parents says...

"The support of a scholarship has been significant for our family. In farming and small business, reality can often diverge from expectations. Poor seasonal conditions in farming and multiple children attending College simultaneously can be stressful. A scholarship has ensured that our children's education remains unaffected during challenging times for our family.

So, if you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting the future of our boarding students at College through our Boarding Scholarships. With the increasing cost of living more and more families need your help."


*donations are tax deductible


Dr Bill Williams Tjungurrayi Scholarship

The Dr Bill Williams Tjungurrayi Scholarship Fund was established in May 2018 to support Indigenous students attending The Geelong College. The scholarships are to be supported by an endowment fund, to exist in perpetuity.

Dr Bill Williams completed Year 12 at The Geelong College in 1975 and went on to train as a doctor. Always a man of principle and conviction, Bill became a social activist, particularly involved in the campaign against nuclear weapons. He was also involved in environmental and feminist issues and was a staunch advocate for Indigenous people for much of his life.

*donations are tax deductible


Foundation gfraphic
The Geelong College Foundation Fund
The Geelong College Foundation exists to support and assist the College to ensure the preservation, improvement and development of the school’s educational offering and facilities. By encouraging the strong philanthropic spirit within our community, our purpose is to foster relationships that assist the College in its ongoing purpose, to offer the finest co-educational learning experience in Australia.

Each of these priorities support our students, now and into the future, and are only possible through the generosity of the College community.


*donations are not tax deductible

Take Your Place
Take Your Place Campaign

The Take Your Place project is your final opportunity to donate to the Bellerin Campaign.

Simply make a tax deductible donation of $1000 or more, and your name will be engraved on a plaque and installed on the courtside seating area of the new Sports & Wellbeing Centre at The Geelong College.

By supporting this project, you are helping to shape the sporting future of both our current and future students. You will also be inextricably linked to the many special moments that will occur within this amazing new facility.

*donations are tax deductible