The Year 8 program is a motivating, challenging and self-driven learning journey. Building on the identity focus of Year 7, Year 8 students are challenged to investigate areas and issues of interest across a range of topics, subjects, electives and experiences. Students have the chance to study the aerodynamics of F1 racing vehicles, explore systems in game design, jewellery making, food production, to dig deeper into non-traditional aspects of mathematics and sport science, and a host of other exciting offerings.
An important aspect of the Year 8 program is Cre8, a self–directed Independent Learning Project that further encourages independent thinking, and develops flexibility, persistence, problem solving, time management and creativity. The understanding developed in the Cre8 project is reflected in the 8-day camp, APS sport and all learning experiences across the year. Students are expected to increasingly take responsibility for their own learning, to take on genuine challenges, to support peers, to work together, and to contribute to their school, and their local and global communities. In Year 8 students challenge themselves and explore their passions.
In Year 8 students are offered a range of elective subjects as well as the required core subjects. For detailed subject information click the button
below and explore our courses of study.