Ms Meg Hansen

BA.MA (Hons) Dip.Tch., MAICD

Please note that Ms Meg Hansen is on a period of leave from the College Council, concluding early Term 3, 2024. Meg Hansen (BA.MA (Hons) Dip.Tch., MAICD), a New Zealander by birth, was a former Principal at both Westbourne Grammar School and Lauriston Girls’ School. Her leadership has been distinguished by dynamic building programs, significant growth in enrolments and an educational philosophy based on a strong commitment to achieving the best for every student. Meg has served on the Board of Victoria University, was a member and chair of AHISA (VIC), board member of ESA and a longstanding member of the Australian College of Educators, the Australian Council for Educational Leaders and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She is now a consultant in executive educational recruiting and leadership coaching, and current Director of both Camberwell Girls Grammar School and The Invergowrie Foundation.